Uvex Hi-Com vs Howard Light Max - Comparison


The Howard Light Max is a stronger earplug than the Uvex Hi-Com. Please have a look at the decibel comparison chart below. More decibel means stronger sound protection.

The individual reviews of each earplug are available here:
Uvex Hi-Com

Howard Light Max


Uvex Hi-ComHoward Light Max
Brand:UvexHoward Leight


Uvex Hi-Com
Uvex Hi-Com picture

Howard Light Max
Howard Light Max picture of packagingHoward Light Max picture

Attenuation (Europen Standard)

Attenuation according to measurment standard EN-352-2:2002

More decibel (dB) means more sound protection. More hertz (Hz) means a higher pitch sound.

Uvex Hi-Com vs Howard Light Max attenuation decibel (db) comparison chart (graph)

Overall rating
Uvex Hi-ComHoward Light MaxDifference
Attenuation by frequency
Uvex Hi-Com: dB17.5020.0020.4022.8024.6031.2037.5040.30
Howard Light Max: dB34.6037.1037.4038.8038.2037.9047.3044.80
Difference: dB-17.10-17.10-17.00-16.00-13.60-6.70-9.80-4.50
Uvex Hi-Com: SD6.402.903.204.705.105.005.906.60
Howard Light Max: SD3.004.504.303.703.504.003.507.20
Difference: SD3.40-1.60-
Uvex Hi-Com: dB less SD11.1017.1017.2018.1019.5026.2031.6033.70
Howard Light Max: dB less SD31.6032.6033.1035.1034.7033.9043.8037.60
Difference: dB less SD-20.50-15.50-15.90-17.00-15.20-7.70-12.20-3.90

Source Uvex Hi-Com: uvex-safety.com. Uvex Safety Catalogue 2016. Retrieved from http://www.uvex-safety.com/fileadmin/editors/en_gb/pdf/uvex_safety_catalogue_2016_en.pdf#page=69 on 2016-08-21
Source Howard Light Max: Honeywell. Howard Leight Product Guide UK (PDF). Retrieved from http://www.howardleight.com/images/pdf/0000/0212/Howard_Leight_Catalogue_UK.pdf on 2016-09-29